Actualités sur les pollipop

Blueberry & Maple Lollipop was at the PGA!
From July 9-14, Mactaquac Park was the home to one of 10 stops on the PGA Americas North American golf tournament. Pollipop Blueberry & Maple Flavoured Lollipop was one the prizes for a...
Blueberry & Maple Lollipop was at the PGA!
From July 9-14, Mactaquac Park was the home to one of 10 stops on the PGA Americas North American golf tournament. Pollipop Blueberry & Maple Flavoured Lollipop was one the prizes for a...

ExploreNB continues to give away lollipops this...
#ExploreNB will continue to give away Pollipop maple flavoured lollipops during this summer. Explore beautiful New Brunswick with sweet Pollipop!
ExploreNB continues to give away lollipops this...
#ExploreNB will continue to give away Pollipop maple flavoured lollipops during this summer. Explore beautiful New Brunswick with sweet Pollipop!

Pollipop will be at SIAL 2024 in Montréal
Pollipop will be at SIAL 2024 in Montréal from May 15 - 17. Be sure to stop by and say 'Hi' at our booth, Atlantic Pavilion booths #329 & 429. Looking...
Pollipop will be at SIAL 2024 in Montréal
Pollipop will be at SIAL 2024 in Montréal from May 15 - 17. Be sure to stop by and say 'Hi' at our booth, Atlantic Pavilion booths #329 & 429. Looking...

Join the Total Solar Eclipse Watch Party!
Join the Total Solar Eclipse watch party on April 8, 2024 at 11 Carleton St, Fredericton, NB. Pollipop will give away 1000 pieces of maple flavoured lollipops from 2 to...
Join the Total Solar Eclipse Watch Party!
Join the Total Solar Eclipse watch party on April 8, 2024 at 11 Carleton St, Fredericton, NB. Pollipop will give away 1000 pieces of maple flavoured lollipops from 2 to...

Pollipop est très fier de soutenir un merveille...
OSJL est l'un des clients les plus importants avec lesquels Pollipop a eu plaisir à travailler aux États-Unis. Chaque année, l'OSJL parraine un événement caritatif au grand succès, le «...
Pollipop est très fier de soutenir un merveille...
OSJL est l'un des clients les plus importants avec lesquels Pollipop a eu plaisir à travailler aux États-Unis. Chaque année, l'OSJL parraine un événement caritatif au grand succès, le «...