Maple Blogs

Maple candy, the perfect Canadian souvenir!
As Canada’s national symbol, maple syrup is an iconic part of the country’s culture. While maple syrup is enjoyed in many different ways, nothing is more beloved than maple candy....
Maple candy, the perfect Canadian souvenir!
As Canada’s national symbol, maple syrup is an iconic part of the country’s culture. While maple syrup is enjoyed in many different ways, nothing is more beloved than maple candy....

Maple tapping season is here!
The Maple Tapping Season is an exciting time of year for New Brunswick’s maple syrup producers. Every year, the province’s trees are tapped and the sweet sap that runs from...
Maple tapping season is here!
The Maple Tapping Season is an exciting time of year for New Brunswick’s maple syrup producers. Every year, the province’s trees are tapped and the sweet sap that runs from...

Why POLLIPOP Maple Lollipops are packed with PETG?
POLLIPOP maple lollipop has a large body with unique Moosehead and Maple leaf shapes, and the lollipop is easy to break and absorb moisture. Therefore, stamped PETG is used as...
Why POLLIPOP Maple Lollipops are packed with PETG?
POLLIPOP maple lollipop has a large body with unique Moosehead and Maple leaf shapes, and the lollipop is easy to break and absorb moisture. Therefore, stamped PETG is used as...

Why does't POLLIPOP maple candy has a very stro...
We have received inquiries from customers: why your maple candy and maple lollipop don’t taste strong maple syrup flavour? It is a good question for customers who do not have...
Why does't POLLIPOP maple candy has a very stro...
We have received inquiries from customers: why your maple candy and maple lollipop don’t taste strong maple syrup flavour? It is a good question for customers who do not have...

Who can guarantee Pollipop really uses Canada G...
Pollipop claims to use Canada Grade A Amber pure maple syrup for the production of products, so who will supervise and guarantee that this is really done? Although the Pollipop...
Who can guarantee Pollipop really uses Canada G...
Pollipop claims to use Canada Grade A Amber pure maple syrup for the production of products, so who will supervise and guarantee that this is really done? Although the Pollipop...

Why Pollipop insists on using Canada Grade A Am...
There are other maple hard candies made with maple syrup, but they seem to be cheaper? What's the difference between Pollipop products with the other?
Why Pollipop insists on using Canada Grade A Am...
There are other maple hard candies made with maple syrup, but they seem to be cheaper? What's the difference between Pollipop products with the other?